It is a big pleasure for me to have the opportunity to introduce you to the 4jivas group – a talented family of four which, as a family friend I’m a great fan of. 4jivas should be the example for today’s society in family raising. Whoever comes into contact with them, can feel the warmth that emanates from them. There are no arguments in this family - they like and respect each other. They themselves claim that it is the credit of the mantras that imparted a goal in their lives. Please let me focus a little light on each one of them, so that you will be able to feel the mood each of them has.
Bhava or daddy is mainly the family head and the head of this whole musical confusion. If not his enterprise, inner discipline and “hard stepping on the ground”, I doubt that we could ever listen to the 4jivas. Bhava has a beautiful, warm voice, which, combined with the singing of Murti, brings unforgettable experience for the ear.
Murti or mommy, although the kids like to call her “Little Drop” (no one knows when and where this name stuck to her). The kids always think that their mom is “the most wonderful and beautiful” and I think this is all true
. She has been feeding her family with wonderful, healthy meals for years, because you must know at this point, that all four of them are keen followers of vegetarianism.
Murti also sings in recordings which her brother Yadu makes. If you want to listen to their music here is the first link: Gopala Govinda Rama (rocky).
Satya – is a chip off Daddy, artist by birth, who, from her earliest years has been making songs – better and better every year. Satya loves to hug, which brings the rest many feelings, not necessarily always pleasant
. She is very talented in music, goes to piano classes, likes the lead guitar, and plays the bass guitar in the team. Her singing fills the rest – she sung in the record “In a humble state of mind”. Let’s see when she makes her own, solo CD record…
Sanatan – the youngest progenitor of 4jivas; he really likes to fix everything in the house. The rest of the family never hesitate to entrust those house jobs to him. He has a great talent for drum playing which was recognized by Timur – the crazy drummer from the AtmAsfera band. Sanatan’s solo on the drum always brings up a big applause from the audience. Whoever was not personally present on the concert, can be convinced of this by listening to the record “Charana Padma” from the album “For all Jivas”.
This is all for now, although I could write many things about each of them. You’ll be able to know them more personally soon, because they are planning to start their own blogs and expose to the public a bit.
The Family Friend